Our Company
Research + Development + Innovation
Eurohinca has been involved in R&D&I programs for several years now. Collaborating with universities and technological centers in order to improve the production and efficiency of all the company's activities.
EUROHINCA covers the integral needs of any construction project. In particular, through the application of trenchless excavation techniques, EUROHINCA undertakes projects of, among others, the following typologies:
- Submarine outfalls and immisaries
- Underwater outfalls and immisaries
- Hydraulic works for fluvial and rainwater collectors, sewage systems, etc.
- Urban sanitation networks
- Crossings under roads, railroads or any existing superstructure
EUROHINCA has the operational capacity to carry out a wide range of works, as it is part of a powerful conglomerate of companies with different specializations within the construction sector, such as, for example:
- Earthmoving and civil works (pours, shafts, foundations, etc.)
- Vertical drilling (downstream)
- HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling)
- OO.MM. (Maritime Works)
- Aquifer management (well-points, drainage and others)
- Complex and large-volume concrete structures
In recent years, Eurohinca has presented several R&D projects, among which the following stand out:
Joint initiative of industry, technology centers, universities, public and private research centers and other organizations, to address the challenge posed in our society to obtain more comfortable, sustainable and updated cities with spaces for people, eliminating most of the traffic nuisance, promoting public and social transport.
Project to develop a new tunnel boring machine from the traditional Hydroshield tunnel boring machine for pipe ramming, in order to obtain better performance to these expensive drilling equipment in projects where clayey and sticky soils are found, where the Hydroshield tunnel boring machines have difficulties in drilling because they cannot pump the clayey mud to the outside.
Eurohinca, specialists in Trenchless Technologies
Eurohinca performs tunnels with tunnel boring machines applying the Trenchless Technology, recognized by the ONU as environmentally sound and environmentally sustainable technologies. These technologies allow us to offer innovative technical solutions for the realization of drilling works for different purposes without disturbing the daily activity of the cities:
- Water supply and sanitation.
- Gas, electricity, cable, fiber optic, telecommunications, etc.
- Drainage and evacuation systems.
- Water catchments and immisaries.
- Sea outfalls (sanitation, desalination)
- Underpasses to existing utilities, roads, railroads, airport runways, parks, etc.
Among the advantages of trenchless (NO-DIG) drilling engineering over conventional technologies, the most important is the increased production throughout the site and the reduction of execution time, which has a direct impact on the reduction of the associated economic costs, the reduction of CO2 and the reduction of noise and dirt at the construction site, which will reduces the nuisance generated to the population. Other advantages of trenchless technology are as follows:
- Less dependence on environmental factors.
- Lower cost in rocky terrain.
- Greater flexibility in the layout.
- Increased safety for workers and citizens.
- Improved quality of life in cities.
- Less damage to subway utilities.
- Reduced environmental impact
- It is not necessary to lower the water table.
- Reduced risk of settlement.
- Improved tunnel construction finish.
Eurohinca also promotes the use of trenchless technologies as a key tool in the smart cities based on sustainable urban development, currently on the rise due to its multiple environmental, economic and social benefits.
Eurohinca is one of the companies associated with the Iberian Association of Trenchless Technology whose purpose is to promote trenchless technology in works related to the construction of pipelines for all types of services.
Quality and Environment
Since its founding, Europea de Hincas Teledirigidas, S.A.U., EUROHINCA, has been committed to the quality in the execution of the works and in the management of the company with the purpose of standing out from other companies in the sector. Likewise, the company has been committed from the beginning to develop its activity in the following areas respecting the environment in order to leave the best legacy for future generations. Taking into account the above premises, it was decided to obtain the following certificates ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 with AENOR one of the world's leading and most stringent certifiers. In the following links you can download Eurohinca's Quality and Environmental policies as well as the certification by AENOR:
Environmental performance indicators
Eurohinca through its integrated Quality and Environmental Manual defines the external communication between the organization and the interested parties that are related to the environmental legal requirements and its environmental performance.
Health and Safety
At EUROHINCA, nothing is more important than the security. Therefore, commitment to a proactive culture is vital. An example of this is the Health and Safety Management System which we maintain in accordance with the standard ISO 45001:2018 and certified by AENOR. In the following links you can download both EUROHINCA's Occupational Risk Prevention Policy and the certifications by AENOR.
Promoting a safe working environment
The safety and well-being of employees is a top priority for the company, and this is reflected in the evolution of the main indicators.
Mission, Vision and Values
In EUROHINCA we have the mission to study, apply and develop technical solutions for the construction of tunnels, at international level, counting on highly qualified professionals for their specialization and experience.
Our Vision
At EUROHINCA we want to be able to provide the best technical, quality and economic solution to our customers worldwide, building customer loyalty and promoting a culture of continuous improvement in innovation, human resources, safety and environment.
Our Values
- Nothing is more important than safety.
- Our professionals have the appropriate qualifications and experience for an excellent performance.
- Knowledge management.
- We know and analyze the needs of our customers.
- Code of Conduct.
Do not hesitate to contact us, we will collaborate and design the best projects.
Eurohinca collaborates in the diffusion of the technologies with the presence in congresses, masters, associations, and articles in specialized magazines.
We are pleased to answer queries from the different administrations on the feasibility and best solutions for certain projects.
In addition, Eurohinca has been classified as a general contractor of the State for the direct contracting of tunnel boring machine (TBM) pipeline works.
Construction companies
Eurohinca works as a subcontractor for prestigious construction companies when the tunnel is part of a larger project.
We advise the construction company in the planning process, and we offer its execution.
As we have the highest classification for its activities, we are open to other types of collaboration such as UTES (Temporary Joint Ventures) or Joint Ventures.
An important part of Eurohinca's activity is dedicated to the dissemination of the different construction methods of drilling, and to the collaboration with the main engineering companies in the elaboration of all types of tunnel projects.
All the experience we have accumulated can be used to structure a feasible execution project, with the most appropriate and economically profitable procedure.
In the development of a tunnel project there are many factors to be taken into account:
- Geology: Geotechnical characteristics of the rock, soil, sand, water table, etc.
- Cladding to be used: segmental linning, trusses, pipe ramming.
- Layout: with vertical or horizontal curves.
- Drilling machinery: Closed shield TBM (Hydroshield or EPB TBM) or open shield TBM.