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Tunnel Boring Machines

Tunnel Boring Machines

A tunnel boring machine or T.B.M. (Tunnel Boring Machine) is a machine capable of excavating full section tunnels. To narrow down this definition we can make several classifications: Closed shield and open shield tunnel boring machines:

Type of support to be placed:

Method of extraction of the material from the face:

cutter wheel

Eurohinca has its own equipment and experience to build a tunnel with any of the equipment and systems mentioned above and in different diameters.

Choice of Tunnel Boring Machine

Having a good geological study is essential for the proper execution of a project. Based on the geology, the most appropriate drilling system will be chosen (with EPB TBM, Hydroshield, hard rock shield or open shield).

Likewise, the geology defines the type of cutting wheel to be installed in the TBM, the percentage of opening, the type of cutting tools, cutting discs, scrappers, as well as the durability of the tool to define the places to change them.

Thanks to the different drilling equipment we have at our disposal as well as the experience we have accumulated, we can offer you a wide variety of options.