SDP Desalination Plant
Submarine outfall desalination plant
The SDP Desalination Plant is an outstanding project in the field of hydraulic engineering. This project combines technological innovation and a sustainable approach to ensure an efficient supply of desalinated water. Through the construction of subway tunnels for immisaries and outfalls, seawater intake and brine disposal, key elements for the plant's operation, were optimized.
Thanks to its precise and environmentally friendly execution, this project has become a role model in the water infrastructure industry.

General project details
- Main objectiveTo guarantee the supply of desalinated water by means of subway tunnels for outfalls and outfalls.
- Project durationDesigned to adapt to challenging geological conditions.
This project combines technical precision with sustainable solutions to meet drinking water needs in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner.
Technical specifications
Underwater tunnels:
- Nominal diameter(outside diameter: 2,500 mm (outside diameter: 3,100 mm).
- ImmisariosTwo sections of 1,315 meters each.
- Brine outfall: A stretch of 1,147 meters.
Land tunnels:
- Nominal diameter(outside diameter: 2,600 mm (outside diameter: 3,100 mm).
- ImmisariosTwo sections of 1,186 meters each.
- Brine outfallA stretch of 1,180 meters.
The technology used ensured precision in the installation of the pipelines, minimizing environmental impact and optimizing execution times.
Logistics and technical challenges
The execution of this project presented several challenges due to the terrain conditions and the need to preserve the surrounding ecosystems. However, thanks to the use of hydraulic shield tunnel boring machines and meticulous planning, all obstacles were successfully overcome.
Project highlights:
- Advanced precisionHydroshield technology made it possible to excavate in complex terrain in complete safety.
- Minimal environmental impactThe microtunneling technique ensured the preservation of the natural environment, both marine and terrestrial.
- Operational efficiencyTunnels ensure a constant and safe flow of desalinated water.
Environmental and social impact
The SDP Desalination Plant not only improves access to drinking water, but also demonstrates how modern engineering can respect and preserve natural resources.
- Ecosystem preservationCareful construction of the tunnels minimized disturbance to marine and terrestrial habitats.
- Water sustainabilityThe system design ensures efficient management of seawater resources.
- Innovation modelThis project sets a standard for future water infrastructure.
References of executed works
In Eurohinca we are specialists in the execution of tunnels for pipelines with tunnel boring machines. Since its foundation in 1996 Eurohinca has executed different types of works: