What is horizontal directional drilling?

The horizontal directional drillingalso known as HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling), it is a revolutionary technique that has transformed the installation of subway infrastructures. In the following, we will explore how it works, what are its benefits and the multiple applications it has in the field of modern civil engineering.


Horizontal directional drilling process explained

Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) combines technological precision and technical expertise to perform subway excavations without disturbing the surface. This process is divided into three key stages:

  1. Pilot drillingHere the initial tunnel is set up, precisely traced using a directional boring head.

  2. WideningThe tunnel is enlarged by reamers to fit the required size.

  3. Duct installationFinally, the pipe or cable is placed inside the widened tunnel.


What makes horizontal directional drilling (HDD) unique?

Unlike other excavation methods, horizontal directional drilling stands out for:

  • Absolute accuracyThe use of advanced location technology makes it possible to follow complex trajectories under obstacles such as rivers or roads.

  • Minimal environmental impactProtects the surface and avoids the need for major restoration work.

  • AdaptabilityWorks in dense urban environments and sensitive areas.


Outstanding benefits of horizontal directional drilling (HDD)

Care of the environment

Horizontal directional drilling is ideal for projects that require minimizing ground disturbance and preserving nearby ecosystems.

Efficient solution for urban environments

In densely populated areas, this method reduces the impact on existing infrastructure, such as roads or utility networks.

Cost savings

Although specialized equipment can be costly, HDD eliminates expenses associated with trenching, transporting material and restoring the area.


Main applications of horizontal directional drilling (HDD)

  1. Gas and water piping installationIt is an indispensable solution for crossing rivers, highways and other barriers.

  2. TelecommunicationsGuarantees the safe installation of fiber optic cables in technology projects.

  3. Energy infrastructureAllows the laying of power lines and hydrocarbon pipelines with minimal impact.


Key elements for the success of an HDD project

Preliminary analysis

A detailed geotechnical study is essential to avoid surprises and ensure the feasibility of the project.

Careful planning

Defining a clear and precise trajectory minimizes risks and optimizes resources.

Specialized equipment

The experience of the operators and the technology employed guarantee optimal results in every phase of the project.


Eurohinca: Your partner in Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)

At EurohincaWe combine innovation, experience and commitment in every horizontal directional drilling project. From planning to execution, we offer customized solutions adapted to the needs of each client.

Find out how we can help you carry out your subway projects efficiently and responsibly - contact us today!

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