What is driving in civil works?

Pile driving is a non-invasive construction method that allows the installation of subway pipelines and conduits by controlled pressure and progressive insertion into the ground. Instead of trenching, this technique ensures precise and undisturbed excavation on the surface. Thanks to its ability to minimize the environmental impact, the hincado is ideal in densely populated areas or in areas where special care of the environment is required.

Main ramming techniques at Eurohinca

Each driving technique is used according to the type of terrain and the characteristics of the project. Eurohinca employs several of these advanced techniques, such as the following:

1. Pneumatic hammer driving

Pneumatic hammer driving consists of using a hammer driven by compressed air that strikes the pipe to advance in soft soils. This method allows fast installations and is ideal in cohesive and sandy soils.

  • AdvantagesIdeal for soft soils, with fast and precise installation.
  • ApplicationsInstallation of small and medium diameter pipes in water and sewage networks.

2. Hydraulic driving

In this technique, a hydraulic press pushes the pipe into the ground with pressure control. This makes it possible to work in soils of greater resistance and with precise control of the advance. Eurohinca uses hydraulic ramming in large-scale projects where stability and safety are required.

  • AdvantagesHigh precision and pressure control, reducing risks in unstable terrain.
  • ApplicationsDrainage and sanitation projects in urban areas or complex terrain.

3. Vibratory hammer driving

The vibratory hammer is used in loose or sandy-grained soils, using high-frequency vibrations to reduce soil resistance. The vibrations allow advancement without damaging the surrounding soil, being especially useful in granular soils.

  • AdvantagesEfficient in loose soils, it allows a quick and clean installation.
  • ApplicationsInstallation of pipelines in sandy soils and with poorly cohesive soils.

4. Microtunneling

Microtunneling is an advanced ramming technique, which uses a microtunneling machine to excavate and lay pipe simultaneously. This technique is ideal for larger projects, as it allows installation in difficult terrain and with a high degree of precision. At Eurohinca, microtunnelling is used for urban water and sanitation networks.

  • AdvantagesHigh precision and capacity to work in complex conditions.
  • ApplicationsSewerage and water channeling works in urban areas, where it is important to maintain the integrity of the surface.


Driving process in civil works

The driving process is thorough and requires both experience and specialized equipment. Eurohinca follows the following steps to carry out the driving efficiently:

  1. Site PreparationPreparation and alignment of pipe entry and exit points.
  2. Pipeline AssemblySelection and assembly of the pipe according to the type of project and the required diameter.
  3. Installation of the Hanging EquipmentThe pneumatic hammer, vibratory hammer or hydraulic equipment is positioned and adjusted.
  4. Pipeline AdvancementThe driving machinery drives the pipe under control, ensuring accurate installation.
  5. Excavated Material ExtractionIn advanced techniques, such as microtunnelling, the excavated material is extracted simultaneously.
  6. Sealing and CompletionOnce the pipe is installed, the connections are sealed and secured to ensure the durability of the infrastructure.


Benefits of Eurohinca's ramming techniques

The driving techniques of Eurohinca offer considerable advantages in subway construction projects. Among the main benefits are:

  • Surface Impact ReductionTrenching: By avoiding trenching, infrastructure is protected and damage to the surface is minimized.
  • High Accuracy and EfficiencyThe driving methods allow for fast and accurate installation, reducing labor time.
  • Versatility in Different Terrain TypesThe techniques are adapted to different terrains, from sandy soils to hard rock.
  • Application in Urban AreasIt allows to work without interrupting traffic or affecting urban life.

Pile driving applications in civil works

Driving is used in several types of civil works, and Eurohinca has implemented this technique in multiple infrastructure projects.

Sewage and drainage networks

One of the main applications of ramming is the installation of pipelines for sanitation and drainage systems. Eurohinca uses these techniques to construct subway networks without affecting the surface, which is especially useful in urban and residential areas.

Piping of utility networks

Driving is essential for the installation of utility networksThe system is designed to ensure safe and accurate placement without significant interruptions.

Sewer microtunneling projects

Microtunneling allows constructing large diameter tunnels in sewer networks and drinking water. Eurohinca uses microtunnelling machines to ensure the stability and durability of these projects, adapting to the specific conditions of each terrain.

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