Vertical Wells
Vertical Wells: Groundwater Extraction
The vertical wells are essential in the groundwater extractionThe wells are drilled vertically, allowing access to water resources through vertical drilling. Using specialized machinery, these wells drill through different layers of the subsoil until they reach the necessary depth, leaving a free interior space where a definitive pipeline is installed. This process is crucial to guarantee the continuous flow of water. water from the depths to the surface. The construction of vertical wells is an efficient and reliable technique, adapted to various ground conditions, which makes it an indispensable solution in water resources management.
Types of vertical shafts and construction of vertical tunnels
In the construction of vertical wellsThere are two main methods: the drilled wells and the driven wells. Boreholes are drilled using machinery with specialized bits that vary according to the hardness of the rocks previously identified in the research phase. This method is ideal for vertical drilling in complex terrain. Sinkholes, on the other hand, involve the placement of pipe by deforming the ground and directly sinking a perforated pipe with a pointed end. This approach is effective in the construction of vertical tunnels and boreholes, providing a robust and durable solution in subway infrastructure projects.
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Frequently asked questions about vertical wells
What are vertical wells and what are they used for?
Vertical wells are boreholes drilled with specialized machinery, designed primarily for groundwater extraction. These wells allow access to water resources located at great depth, being essential in water management and irrigation projects.
How is the drilling of a vertical well performed?
The drilling of a vertical well is carried out through the different strata of the subsoil until the desired depth is reached. During the process, an interior space is left free where a final pipe is placed to ensure a constant flow of water from the depths to the surface.
What are the different types of vertical wells?
There are mainly two types of vertical wells: drilled wells and driven wells. Boreholes are drilled with specialized bits that are selected according to the hardness of the ground, while driven wells involve deforming the ground to insert a perforated pipe with a pointed end.
What machinery is used in the construction of vertical wells?
In the construction of vertical wells, specialized drills are used that can be adapted to the characteristics of the terrain. The choice of machinery and drill bits depends on the hardness of the rocks and other geological factors identified during the preliminary investigation phase.
In what soil conditions can vertical wells be constructed?
Vertical wells can be constructed in a variety of ground conditions, from soft to rocky soils. The drilling technique and well type (drilled or driven) are chosen based on the specific soil characteristics, ensuring a successful and durable installation.
What is the difference between a drilled well and a driven well?
The main difference lies in the method of execution. A drilled shaft is made using bits that drill the ground according to its hardness, while a driven shaft involves the insertion of a pipe by deforming the ground and directly sinking a perforated pipe with a sharp point. Both methods are chosen depending on the type of ground and the objective of the project.